We are closing the office on Friday the 23rd December and will be back on Tuesday the 3rd of January. Hope you have a nice break.
If you need our services call us on the 3rd of January on 02 4365 6556

Erina Legal is a general law firm on the Central Coast of NSW providing services in Family & De Facto Law; Business Law, Conveyancing of residential property and businesses; Wills & Probate; Contracts and independent legal advice.
Call us on 02 4365 6556.
‘The principal institution of the law is not trial; it is settlement out of court’ [1]
- This is the quoted first line of the paper (link below) by academics Bellucci and Zeleznikow.
A new computer program called Family Winner has been developed to assist in the negotiation process for people involved in divorces and de-facto separations. A pair of Victorian IT academics has created it: John Zeleznikow and Emilia Bellucci.
Basically the system gets parties to rank their assets in order of importance to them. The program then produces a recommendation of how to distribute the assets across the parties. The recommendation is based upon people’s own priorities.
The idea behind the program is not to replace the use of mediators and lawyers in facilitating separation, but in streamlining and speeding up the negotiation process and getting to the key issues up for negotiation.
With separating couples required to try to resolve disputes before filing with the Family Court, Professor Zeleznikow expects there will be a need for mediators.
The product is not yet generally available.
See SMH Article [2]
See the academic article [3]
[1] Ross, H. L., 1980, Settled Out of Court, Aldine
[2] Adele Horin, Divorce? Let the computer be the judge, SMH 21/09/05
[3] John Zeleznikow and Emilia Bellucci, 2005, Family Winner: Integrating Game Theory and Heuristics to Provide Negotiation Support, www.jurix.nl
Congratulations to our winners from the Business Expo competition. Each of them has won a USB memory stick, which are useful devices.
The winners are:
There is a lot of talk about ethics and values in the business media at the moment so I thought I wuld take a moment to mention Erina Legal's values. We are a small business so, naturally, they are all about the customer (hopefully that's you.) Here they are:
NSW is said to be the 4th most litigious state in the world. People sue for a number of reasons including failing to deliver on promises, on different interpretations on terms in contracts, and when circumstances change and accidents occur.
Business law is about managing risk and maximising your power at the negotiating table. Erina Legal can help you manage risk by giving you advice on matters you are less experienced at. We can help you avoid problems in the future by making sure contracts and agreements you have with suppliers, customers and employees are clear and comprehensive.
Many of our business law clients come to us when they already have a dispute. Often that dispute is the result of contracts written without consideration of the range of future possibilities. Lawyers are trained to consider all possibilities. +
Come and see us to avoid disputes or deal with them when they occur.
This last point is one of controversy. Shadow Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said she feared the proposal would make matters worse by deterring already vulnerable parents from raising claims of abuse or violence.
Souce www.findlaw.com.au
Wayne Brown (right) at Erina Legal is a registerred JP and is available to witness documents.
Or you can look here to find JP's in other areas.
The functions of a Justice of the Peace under the Justices of the Peace Act 2002 are primarily:
Please call to check Wayne is available on 02 4365 6556.
Erina Legal we provide you with realistic expectations and help you negotiate outcomes that you can live with.
We encourage you not to pursue matters at court, but if this is necessary, Erina Legal gives you the support and advice that will help you through this stressful experience.
Legal costs can be high because of the amount of time and care taken as well as and the general overhead costs of running a case. We advise you on the best ways of keeping your costs down and when it is better to compromise than to waste money on legal fees.
Erina Legal continues to provide advice and representation for all contested Family and De Facto Law issues, conveyancing, wills, enduring guardianship and power of attorney, probate and contracts.
Although a separate business, Family Law Resolutions will be operating from the same premises as Erina Legal and is now providing mediation in Family and De Facto Law Children's Issues and Property settlements, including child inclusive parenting plans, cohabitation, pre-nuptial, marriage and separation agreements - all at a much less expensive cost and qucker process. Telephone mediation is also available and on-line mediation is soon to be included.
We make your experience with Erina Legal and Family Law Resolutions as pleasant as possible while going through the stresses of family and de facto difficulties, legal proceedings, whether it be purchasing or selling property, writing your Will or going through probate for a loved one.
PHONE 02 4365 6556 to make an appointment to discuss your needs now.