This blogsite (and the erinalegal.com.au site) receive several dozen visitors a month. This isn't a paragon effort of web marketing but we are a small business servicing a local community and web marketing is not what we are about.
We originally put up the www.erinalegal.com.au website with little thought of how it would be used, except as a means of putting ourselves in front of people who are looking for lawyers via Google or Yahoo. Over time we also realised clients were looking at the site to investigate what sort of people they had become involved with. Just who were these people at Erina Legal. That's when I decided to start up this blog site.
The purpose of the blogsite is to personalise the online experience. I wanted to introduce people to the staff and what we are about. It was also more flexible and easy to use that the original website. (Again - we are not web marketers here.)
Now the time is at hand to upgrade the website and I am interested in the thoughts of visitors to this blog about what would make for an improvement to what we have.
If you are a client or a prospective client please add a comment (click the comments link below) about what you like and don't like about our site, and what you would like to see here instead.
Thanks for your help,