Our team are highly competent in their field, but these days we recognise that is not enough. You want someone who understands you and who cares about you and your legal matter.
You also want someone who clearly communicates what is going on, what the next steps in your legal matter are and what we are doing about them. So we talk to you as well as listen.
If you have any problems with our service we want to know about them so that we can address them. Any problems you may have can be discussed with Wayne Brown and if he is not able to assist, you can speak to Denise King, our principal lawyer.
Problems are often based on unfounded misunderstandings or assumptions. Usually the best results are achieved from a discussion about the issue.
We always do our best to address your issues to ensure that we can continue to work together. So far we have a good track record with our clients and we welcome you to become part of that success.