With the new year settling in you are probably starting to think about how to get started on all the ideas and plans you had for 2006. Was getting your affairs in order in your list of things to do? If so we can help you with your legal documents and plans. I'll take wills as my example today.
Have things changed since you last had your will written up? Have you ever had a will written by your family solicitor?
The number of disputes over wills has increased in the last decade and continues to do so. Luckily most are settled out of court (and we can assist you here also - usually through mediation,) however, there are still lengthy and expensive processes that are followed when managing legal disputes. Planning to avoid them is a great way of kicking of those 'getting my affairs in order' new year commitments.
If you die without a will the State government will determine who the beneficiaries are and what they should take depending on the circumstances at your death.It is in your interest to make a Will naming who you wish to be beneficiaries and also to provide replacement beneficiaries in case those named by you should not survive you. We urge you not to leave it to the court to decide for you.
Disputes over wills costs more, take longer and create a lot of stress for those you leave behind. This may sound alarmist but when you consider the costs of going to court to dispute wills against the cost of having a professional (i.e. a lawyer) help you write up your will the cost seems a sensible investment.
You can call us during business hours if you want to discuss your options on 02 4365 6556.